Recognizing and remembering gospel relevance in a given moment is hard work. Applying that Truth is just as difficult. My goal in counsel and teaching is to help you navigate such moments wisely, before a good God, who loves you richly.  

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  • Training Workshops

    Bibliotherapy: Children’s Books & Wisdom Conversations
    Counseling Children
    Gospel Relevance in the Present Moment
    Order in Counseling
    Parenting Children in Hard Times
    Seeking Safe Refuge in Shame
    Trauma & the Brain
    Understanding the Person You Counsel
    Images and Metaphors in the Change Process

  • Women's Groups

    Biblical exposition & teaching
    When Children Grieve
    Discipleship in Discipline
    Recognizing & Engaging Teachable Moments
    Helping Your Child Navigate Emotions
    Keeping Kingdom Top of Mind
    Our Response to Uncertain Times
    Pointing to Christ: Philippians 2
    Recognizing & Responding to Abuse
    Understanding Your Child

What People Are Saying

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

— Proverbs 16:24